8. Bitch, per our tag line, offers a feminist response to popular culture – and while we love dissecting what's good, bad and ugly in mass media, we aren't just here to weigh in on whether your favorite TV show is feminist or not.
We also love talking about books, movies, websites, TV shows, new organizations and projects you might not have heard about yet, and creators and activists who are working hard to better the lot and increase the visibility of marginalized people everywhere.
These are tough times for print media, and media outlets in general have long struggled to stay financially healthy while also investing in quality content. A few mainstream media organizations have prospered in the new media environment by, frankly, trolling feminists. Those articles about how women just aren't that funny, or can't really have it all, or will never find love if they focus too much on their careers – and those magazine covers sexing up the concept of attachment parenting – generate a lot of buzz, a lot of links, and therefore a lot of web traffic and print sales, while framing feminist discussions in an unfortunately limited way.
At Bitch, we think there's more to generating meaningful, thought-provoking discussion than deliberately trolling your audience. We strike to see the big picture, provide a diversity of perspectives and voices, and acknowledge our mistakes when we make them.
But presenting a measured perspective isn't free. It takes time and effort to research the issues we present, and to find contributors who offer a different perspective than that found in the rather limited mainstream media. If you like seeing less popular perspectives and issues highlighted in our pages and on our site, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution today.